Felt like being right in the ocean as the year turned to 2025. It was a new moon so although we had a fire further up the beach….the swim was just lit with a few torches and a very low tide. We were in and out pretty quickly! 2025 feels like a deep ‘being’ year […]
Meditative Art – Secrets Secrets, of the healthy kind. The kind where we don’t tell everyone everything straight away, or at all. We can keep some things to ourselves and it strengthens us, keeps our power or boundaries naturally intact, and/or allows more internal processing time. In Everything there is balance of course, there is […]
Key Code Came to me at the beach. Just fully relaxing, no phone, natural sound, sea, sun, rest. Feminine Depth, Left side of Body. Relaxing into, ‘unravelling’ untruths…diving into…underneath is Natural Power.