Palm Reading closed for winter – (quiet internal resting time) 8 July – 1 August 2024

Palm Reading is the ancient science of reading personality and individual traits through the shape, and lines on the hand.

I am a Modern Palm Reader with the understanding that the lines can and do change over time. The lines are a reflection of our neural pathways or thought processes so modern Palm Reading is not fortune telling.

What we do read is the ‘thought programme’ you are running at this point of time, some of the history that may of influenced your programme/line positions, and any potential changes to the programme that may be beneficial in your life.

We also discuss the interesting ways that the lines change, a beautiful relationship between the human and spiritual realities.

This fascinating science can help to understand the way we individually react to the world around us, point out our strengths, and encourage us to work on our weak points, and over time we can see changes measured on our hands.

It can help show us and support us, in how we express our unique divinity to the world.

I read in these main ways:

PIGEON BAY – Main Office – in person

ONLINE – Within NZ and Overseas

EVENTS & FESTIVALS –  Upcoming – A winter market in Akaroa

GROUPS By negotiation.

*I used to have an office in Akaroa but got too busy so centralised to Pigeon Bay. (Pigeon Bay is a 10 minute detour off the main Christchurch – Little River – Akaroa highway SH75)


$60 – Introductory Reading, no notes. 30mins

$90 – Full Single Reading with notes you take away. 1hr

$75 – Online ($90 Overseas online) 45mins with notes.

$160 Double – Friends/siblings etc are read together 1.5hr approx with notes.

$210 Couples Reading – Read together, a look at individual hands and then energetic and spiritual reading in the interaction between the two.1.5 – 2hrs with notes for both.

$40 – Children under 16yrs (with parent/guardian permission) 25mins


I also provide direct Spiritual Counselling which is a session where we discuss your relationship with God/Truth/Creative Source and how this sacred connection can enhance, support, guide, provide clarity and healing in your life.

$90 in person session with notes – 1hr

$75 Online (Overseas $90) session with notes. Approx 1hr

Txt/Call me 0274 984 520 or email for an appointment ✋


Thank You for your feedback and recommendations:
through Facebook ‘Palm Reading with Fiona Grace’ 

🙏 Fiona