Your Will my Lord

Posted By On 13 Apr 2023

Meditative Art with Audio

Resisting Reality

Posted By On 11 Nov 2022

Video Message

Mathematical Certainty

Posted By On 16 Aug 2019

How about, just for fun, we looked at our lives as a series of (or one big) mathematical problem, that we go about our lives attempting to solve.   We ponder, work and strive to solve these problems. To get to the point where we feel; I’ve got it, I’ve done it, that’s tidy, finished, […]

Basic Religion

Posted By On 10 Feb 2017

I have heard too many times.……. ‘I don’t believe in God. There is no God. God is only for people who need a sense of security. God starts all wars. God is a human made conception to keep people in line……believing in God is ridiculous in this scientific day and age’ And you know what, […]


Posted By On 21 Jan 2015

Most of us have known grief at some stage in our lives. It is a painful place that is hard to be in ourselves, and hard to see in others. We want to make the pain go away; we want it not to be there. (In my case sometimes I feel as if I am […]