Reclamation of Childhood Wisdom/Spiritual Knowledge

Meditative Art
Posted By On 08 Mar 2025


Had a lovely man stay with me through Airbnb and we had a good conversation about lots of things…..went into my meditation and got this image through….feel like it was a spiritual component of the connection and potentially held a message for him (or all of us)

Many of us held natural wisdom, knowledge and spiritual technology when we were little and before it got kinda ignored, invalidated or clouded over by the materialism of our age.

This knowledge can be reclaimed, first by Intention….then let God take over 😊 that’s the fun and challenging bit, to bring it back to us.

This younger energy, we often only see in moments as adults…..but it’s vibe is TOTALLY trusting, curious, unafraid and its actions are channeled from pure Love. 

This image is the integration of that younger energy into our mature adult selves.

Categorys: Uncategorized


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