I think it is really helpful to teach any young child ‘how to pray’ and I don’t mean in the old-fashioned religious way. I mean in the ‘there is an eternal natural balance based in goodness, which we are part of and can tune into’ and this tuning in can clear any unease we feel, […]
I often have the feeling in meditation that I am being ‘fed’ energetically, like energy is pouring in, and I can just relax and soak it up. It comes in direct, bypassing my normal thought channels. Through the process sometimes a new thought will form, but from the incoming energy, not from my older regular […]
How about, just for fun, we looked at our lives as a series of (or one big) mathematical problem, that we go about our lives attempting to solve. We ponder, work and strive to solve these problems. To get to the point where we feel; I’ve got it, I’ve done it, that’s tidy, finished, […]
‘Working for God’ is a feeling, a consciousness, a place where we are naturally balanced, living authentically and with a grounded true purpose. We are living and working within a clear holistic life, and we know it. We all have times of being in these ‘Working for God’ places, and it’s great, life makes sense. […]
Resisting Reality. What does that mean? The term came to me one day as I realised how many of our sufferings come from the resistance we have to just what is really happening. Really and Truly happening in our lives. We feel, think and have hunches about things but we don’t want to believe them, […]
I have heard too many times.……. ‘I don’t believe in God. There is no God. God is only for people who need a sense of security. God starts all wars. God is a human made conception to keep people in line……believing in God is ridiculous in this scientific day and age’ And you know what, […]
Learning to live a spiritually minded life is like learning a new language. ‘Spirit’ is by its very nature invisible, in the realm of intuition, faith, feeling and energy and we use different senses to learn and work with this side of life. Not the well-known senses of sight, hearing, taste and smell but beyond […]
Living a balanced life means ‘tuning in’ every day. Tuning into our true balance, with the earth, with nature, our communities, our relationships and ultimately ourselves. When we tune in every day, we allow time for the recognition of the balance that is ‘already there’. With tuning in we give ourselves time and space for […]
Sometimes it’s incredibly difficult, but there is an Inner Certainty deep inside every one of us, that knows the Truth – What is right for us, what choices to make, what job to take, what relationship to begin, what thing we need to stand up for, or let go…. This Inner Certainty we can connect […]
You know that searching feeling, a sort of restlessness when something doesn’t feel quite right, a dissatisfaction, or when something is just ‘off’ in our lives? I think we all recognise these feelings and quite naturally we want to fix them. We look for answers in ourselves, in others, in change or we just try […]